
Your Data Working for You

Zapp! is a scanner management platform that works across your current technologies to manage user access and monitor scanner locations.

Zapp! is a cutting-edge enterprise information platform that offers a modern and codeless solution for managing and monitoring activity on Android scanning devices.

The application is loaded through your MDM or directly onto your scanner, giving you complete control and oversight of your enterprise’s activities from anywhere, at any time.

With Zapp!, you have access to a management and messaging platform that integrates seamlessly with your existing technologies, allowing you to manage resource assignments, notifications, escalations, and more with ease.

Zapp! gives you the information you need, so you can make impactful decisions.

User Management

One of the key features of Zapp! is the ability to authorize and deauthorize users. This means you have control over who has access to your enterprise's data and resources.

Device Tracking

Zapp! also allows you to track device location, so you can keep tabs on your assets, no matter where they are located.

Usage Tracking

With usage tracking, you can monitor how your devices are being used, and make informed decisions about their usage patterns.

Kiosk Mode

Another useful feature of Zapp! is the kiosk mode, which locks the device into a specific application, ensuring that only approved activities can be performed.


Zapp! also offers a number of events and alerts that are designed to keep you informed of your devices' status. The charging, device boot, and low battery events provide critical information about your device's battery life, so you can ensure that your scanners are always fully charged and ready for use.

Device Agnostic

Application loaded onto Android devices to manage, monitor, and report activity.